Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Get Rid of Menstruation Disorders with Home Remedies

Simple and effective home remedies to get rid of menstruation disorders.

  1. Mix equal quantities of Parsley and beet juice. Drink 75 ml of this juice daily to get releif from any kind of menstrual disorders such as cramps, or irregular periods.
  2. Boil a peice of fresh ginger in a cup of water. Add sugar to sweeten the liquid and drink thrice daily after meals to treat this condition.
  3. Eat papaya regularly to help secure proper menstrual flow.
  4. Prepare a steam bath by putting in whole Bengal gram plant in hot water.
  5. Give the patient an infusion of marigold in about one to two tablespoon doses daily to releive this condition.
  6. Cook one banana flower in a cup of curd and eat everyday. It increases the progesterone levels and decreases bleeding.
  7. Boil 6gms of corainder seeds in half a liter of water and boil until it has vaporized to half the volume.Add sugar and drink while still warm.
  8. Mix 10ml of fluid of mango bark to 120 ml water. Drink one teaspoon every hour to get relief from menstrual pain.
  9. Make an infusion of rough chaff by boiling 15gms of the herb in 250ml water.Drink atleast twice in a day during the menstrual flow.
  10. Boil two tablespoons of Hermal seeds in half liter water until the solution has boiled down to one-third. Drink the decoction in 15-30ml doses at regular intervals.
  11. Boil 5 large heads of hemp in half a liter of water until the volume is reduced to half.Drink the solution 2-3 nights before the expected period date to ensure menses starts on time.

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