Friday, June 17, 2011

Overcome Acne Herbal Recipes with Honey and Lime

Acne is a skin disease caused by reduced production of abnormal sebaceous glands (sebaceous glands) is too high. An overproduction of oil glands, sebaceous glands or blocked in the line of the hair follicles and pores of the skin.

Acne often leads to inflammation of the skin (the skin becomes red and swollen and pink). The inflammation of the skin caused by excessive production of sebaceous glands or sebaceous glands, which then leads to fill in the form of channels and comedones (white dots) and seborhoea.

There are several causes of acne is genetic or hereditary factors, hormonal activity, hyperactive sebaceous glands, which enrich and dead cells from the skin. Pimple that grows in the face of disturbance frequency, and we may lose our confidence. The acne medication is sometimes useful and the results were not as expected. To the doctor, in addition to the resources we are not often with a prescription from the pharmacy (of course).

Herbs For Acne Treatment 

It never hurts to try to treat acne on the face of natural ingredients by removing the cause of acne can be used. For example, with a mask made of honey and lemon juice. This honey has an antiseptic substance, which is useful for the elimination of bacteria in the face, an inflammation of acne forever cause. In the meantime, lemon juice can reduce the oil in the face to prevent dirt in the face.

These are the steps to create a mask of lemon juice:

  • Take one lemon and squeeze the water about 1 tsp.
  • A teaspoon of honey mixed.
  • Apply to face and let sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.

Do it regularly until your acne is reduced.

1 comment:

  1. I like this stunning Beauty Tips. Thanks for sharing. I really appreciate this. I'm still looking for the post of organic skin care products. Thanks!


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